Tag: humor (page 1 of 1)

6 REAL Money Saving Tips for Cheapo Homeschoolers

Living on a budget is an art, one that I’ve got down to a science.

Always here to help, I thought I’d share of my best kept secrets with you, because let’s face it: those “money saving tips” you see on Oprah or in the glossy women’s magazines? They aren’t helpful to us normal people.

And by normal, I mean not normal, of course. We’re homeschoolers; we’ve never been accused of normalcy, right?

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Gramma’s Fitted Sheets

Once upon a time, we were coming out of a strange and wonky, terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year, and we were left with little in the way of personal possessions.

This had been quite tolerable since we kind of prefer the minimalist life anyway and you’d be surprised at how much you do NOT need.

I basically AM Marie Kondo.

But, you know, chubby and American.

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How to Train Your Writer: A Helpful Guide for New Owners


noun  writ·er  \ ˈrī-tər \

Definition: A rare living organism, spotted most often in their natural habit of used bookshops but occasionally rehabilitated to exist in suburban towns or cities. Possessing a power for turning caffeine into the written word, writers are shy but loyal pets.

Writers are a peculiar breed, loving yet sometimes high-maintenance, aloof yet needing constant attention. A solitary creature, they still need the basics of sunlight, food, water, and the occasional social interaction (mostly for sparking creativity).

While pats on the head are acceptable, as are casseroles dropped off at the front door, writers have other needs as well that can go largely ignored by the uneducated masses. Read more