Tag: fiction (page 1 of 1)

Mrs. Lemon’s Haunting, Part Three

A short story in three parts.

Part One  |  Part Two  |  Part Three


“Mrs. Lemon, I do believe you’re crazy.”

“No, no, not crazy! Just rather inventive. And creative, too. I’ve always been creative, I think, it’s just that I’ve never really shown it much. I think I’ve been holding myself back. I never really knew what kind of good ideas I could come up with until now.”

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Mrs. Lemon’s Haunting, Part Two

A short story in three parts.

Part One  |  Part Two  |  Part Three


Bored to death, she thought, and it gave her a strange and wonderful idea.

You see, that morning of the idea she had found lipstick on the collar of Charles’ best button-up, the one he only wore for special occasions and yet had worn for no good reason just the day before, and he had smelled strange, like someone else’s perfume, and he had whistled – whistled! – in the kitchen before work. Charles never whistled, hadn’t whistled in years and years, and she knew right then, that she – his wife – was not the cause of it. Read more

Mrs. Lemon’s Haunting, Part One

A short story in three parts.

Part One  |  Part Two  |  Part Three


“It is the best time for a ghost story,” said Nick. “Or at least, that’s what the living would say.”

“Yes, but they never get anything right.” Belinda grumbled. She wound a strand of curly blonde hair around her finger, and crossed and uncrossed her ankles impatiently, as though she couldn’t sit still. “It’s so overly dramatic, with the stroke of midnight and the screeching of the owls and the thunder and all that.” Read more