Archives (page 6 of 12)

Confessions of an Accidental Unschooler

In the efforts of full disclosure, I wrote this many moons ago. Since then, my kids have unschooled, homeschooled, dual schooled (charter high homeschool program mixed with college), Waldorf schooled, and … um, I think that’s it.


Back in 2011 or so, this was my headspace. Perhaps you relate.

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Suggesting A New Member of the Avengers: Mouse Woman

This is a classic from the email newsletter archives. You should subscribe if this is your jam.

Once upon a time, I was sleeping on my little sissy’s couch. It was either that or snuggle with her in bed and since her son was still nursing, I was afraid of awkward encounters of the midnight snacking variety. Anyway, I awoke to the sound:


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I Don’t Care If You Homeschool

Choosing to educate your children at home, at a public school, at a private institution, or a boarding school, is a polarizing decision, and not one that any parent makes lightly.

When the choice is made, the aftermath arrives: anxiety, guilt, fear, and the overwhelming feeling that everyone is talking about you behind your back.

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Should I Homeschool? (A quiz for REAL moms)

Are you wondering, “Should I homeschool my kids? Is homeschooling the best option for me, and for my family?

Sometimes life is easier when it comes in a lovely, organized list. I mean, how many times have you thought to yourself: Self, I wish these kids following me around came with an owner’s manual?

Or is that just me?

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Dear Lottie, A Short Story in Three Parts {Part 2}

Part 1Part 2Part 3



I know the War Office will have contacted you by now (I also know receiving communication from them must fill you with anxious trepidation: I am so sorry to be the cause of that), and you will have been told that I am back where I should be. Safe and returned to duty.

They tell me I spent several days recovering at the hands of a beautiful war nurse (I am only kidding and testing if you are paying attention. In truth, she was shaped like an elephant and had a thicker mustache than I) but knowing the war to be coming a close, I chose to finish my post rather than come home to you just yet. I hope you aren’t angry, though you know how are adorable I find you when you are angry.

I have been transferred to the Rifle Brigade 10th Battalion BEF for now. I think they are leery of giving me a plane since I rather annihilated the last one. Being on the ground is no place for me though: I march through the mud and muck with stomping feet and scowl at everyone I see.

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Dear Lottie, A Short Story in Three Parts {Part 1}

Part 1Part 2Part 3

Dear One,

You will get the news soon enough, but by some kind hand of God and one enemy soldier, you will hear it from me first. I have been shot down and am now behind enemy lines. Now don’t be scared. I am injured, yes, but not mortally – even my spirits are lifted as this letter is being lifted: right over the walls by the very man who brought me down.

You see, the flight was cloudy, and I became disoriented. Before I knew what had happened, I’d been hit. The man who did it followed me as I made an emergency landing. I wish I’d known then it was an enemy airfield. They are so hospitable they wouldn’t hear of me leaving!

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The Well-Rounded Homeschooler

Being well-rounded is a goal we most likely all have for our children. We want them to be good at everything, or at least we do when they’re shiny and new.

After a while, our standards lower just a tad: during middle school years we just want them to shower occasionally and speak with a modicum of intelligence instead of grunting for food like a zoo animal.

I think we tend to forget that no one is perfectly well-rounded. Case in point: Yours Truly.

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Gramma’s Fitted Sheets

Once upon a time, we were coming out of a strange and wonky, terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year, and we were left with little in the way of personal possessions.

This had been quite tolerable since we kind of prefer the minimalist life anyway and you’d be surprised at how much you do NOT need.

I basically AM Marie Kondo.

But, you know, chubby and American.

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