If I was better prepared this would be a cute printable, but… it’s a school day.
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If I was better prepared this would be a cute printable, but… it’s a school day.
Read moreSo I’m used to getting evil looks from other mommies in the park. I know why they’re annoyed with me, I really do, but let me ‘splain.
Read moreThis girl likes herself some scary stuff. Throw back to the years in the ’80s where she’d hide under the covers with a flashlight, reading Nancy Drew or Trixie Belden books maybe.
But gore? Nah. Not so much.
These flicks are perfect for giving chills up the spine, causing a fear of the dark, and messing with your head, but they aren’t full of blood and guts, mutilations, or half-dressed girls. Just good scares.
Read moreAfter a day of wanting to eat her young, an observant homeschool dad will take his twitchy wife out on a date.
He’ll have recognized the ‘crazy eyes’ and the frustration and despondency and also notice that his children take about eight billion times longer to write a report than is logically necessary, seem to retain any and all knowledge of math facts for about as long as guacamole stays green, and have a strange knack for using their school supplies as forts or weapons or anything other than what they’re meant for.
This is when he offers up the suggestion of a Date Night. Now while some couples religiously observe these, the rest of us forget to for about … oh, a decade or two, before we smack one another upside the heads and dig the Subway coupons out.
Read moreThe wind is blowing crunchy leaves across the streets, there are candles burning low, you’re wearing a sweater, and likely sipping something pumpkin spiced or apple cider-ed.
It’s time to pop in your well-worn VHS tape of that glorious Halloween flick…
Read moreI crave simplicity and the homesteading life – this in spite of the fact that I can kill a house plant in six seconds flat and have never milked a cow.
Regardless of such a fact, I’ve decided to start my own commune.
My public-schooled, executive, non-religious brother already thinks I live in one anyway and he phones occasionally to make sure I am not wearing long dresses, marrying off my small daughters, allowing my husband extra wives, watching for comets, and drinking Kool-aid. (I stay mum.)
Of course there will have to be some rules in my commune. This isn’t a free for all! Breaking the rules will terminate our weird, crunchy, granola, hippy-dippy way of life, so try to adhere.
Read moreToday we’re going to list 13 creepy books for Halloween reading.
In other words …
Scary stories to read by the light of a full moon.
You want murder? I gotcha.
Twisted endings? You bet.
Maybe a vampire? Scroll down.
I read a lot of thrillers, y’all. Like, an embarrassing amount of thrillers. I could keep this list going for all of eternity, but to keep it short and sweet, here are 13 of my very favorite October books.
Read moreFinding names for your cast of characters in your next novel can be daunting, fun, challenging, a joy, and a mess.
Thank the writing gods for the ol’ find and replace button on Word, can I get an amen? Can’t tell you how many times I changed my mind midway through a novel concerning a character’s moniker.
How do you turn a groan-inducing chore into a fun treasure hunt? Here are a few ideas when all your frazzled imagination can come up with is yet another John or Sara. Read more
If you’re like me, you’re too cheap to buy Starbucks (or Moxie or Dutch Bros or whatever your poison is) very often.
Sometimes I splurge but since I used to work in a coffee house and drank my lifetime supply of mochas in three short years (because I am at times far too anti-social for those perky baristas, and also because my dream cup of coffee of choice is just plain ol’ French Roast) I typically make my own at home.
I’ll give you my very best recipes, proven to successfully caffeinate at least one starving artist.
Read moreIt is a truth universally acknowledged that Hollywood can ruin a perfectly good novel with their movie rendition of it. But every so often – as rare as a unicorn sighting – they get it right. Here are seventeen times the movies were just as good, if not better than, the books they were based upon.
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