In the efforts of full disclosure, I wrote this many moons ago. Since then, my kids have unschooled, homeschooled, dual schooled (charter high homeschool program mixed with college), Waldorf schooled, and … um, I think that’s it.
Back in 2011 or so, this was my headspace. Perhaps you relate.
Unconventional Unschooling
I have a confession to make. I think I am an…
I pretend not to be.
I pretend I’m one of those hyper scheduled homeschooling moms whose fully clothed children sit at their assigned desks each morning by eight, eating wholesome flaxseed bread, their shiny, freshly washed hair in perfect Laura Ingalls Wilder plaits, Mozart playing softly in the background, while they work on workbooks that are two or three grades above where they should be.
I pretend to be one of those moms who get up at 5 am to sling my reuseable shopping bag over my shoulder, head to the gym for Pilates and then to Trader Joe’s for organic produce my children will beg to eat, and of course be back in time to teach Philosophy and Calculus to my third grader.
I imagine myself to be one of those moms who faithfully test their children each and every year and delight to find them college material by kindergarten, and whose teenagers are bright, funny, not weird, socialized, attractive young humans who can discuss religion and foreign affairs with equal aplomb.
I am not that mom.
Unschooling by Undesign
I’ve never even been to a Trader Joe’s. I was in a gym once but it was to drop off my daughter at the pool and I had a coconut mocha with whipped cream in hand, so I don’t think it counts.
While I much prefer having a homeschooling schedule, no one seems to stick to it for long. Sometimes – like, right this very minute – I don’t have the heart to interrupt my children to ‘start school’ when they’re playing. I justify this by listening in on their imaginings and if they’re remotely educational I feel better. At the moment, they’re playing a game they entitled Zombie Vegetables That Haunt the Picnic Basket. That sounds like health and nutrition to me.
They don’t get dressed until noon some days. Actually, the four year old rarely gets dressed at all. We’re talking once, twice a week. He is madly addicted to pajama pants, and really, who can blame him? I figure he has a few more years of extreme fashion laziness before the What Not To Wear crew jump out from behind his train set and turn him into something from GQ. When my daughter, Anna, does get dressed, she looks like something between Punky Brewster and Anne of Green Gables.
Unschooling with Undiagnosed ADD
Sometimes I get bored with their school books (I think I have undiagnosed adult onset Academic ADD). So there are plenty of days when, instead of doing math, we play lots of games and cards and have the kids keep score.
I haven’t gone through and graded anything in longer than I will admit in a national magazine, so for all I know, they’re writing things like “who knows?” in the margins and doodling where they should be converting fractions.
They both finished their science books but since I skip oh, I don’t know, 98% of the experiments and crafts (*shudder*), we don’t really have anything to show for it.
That reminds me: they’re signed up for the Homeschool Science Fair and we have nothing to contribute.
I can see me now, as I explain our Science Fair table colleagues,
“Yes, this is our crystal experiment… learning to grow crystals from everyday kitchen ingredients and some toxic, store bought chemicals… yes… as you can see, nothing happened and they didn’t um, grow. This is the pot though; that we completely ruined in our efforts… that might be some crystal sediment in the bottom if you look closely. Oh, wait, no, that’s salt.
“And over here we have the volcano that didn’t explode… ahem. Yes. Well, it’s old enough now that there’s a bit of interesting mold on the side here… did you know mold has a fascinating history? No?
“This is the Emergency Kit we put together from our week of learning about natural disasters and such. Yes… there are some Band-Aids here… oh, and a flashlight, but we were out of batteries, so, well, yes. Umm. Didn’t really have any cotton gauze, so um, there are a couple cotton balls. There should be a flare, you know for emergencies, but um, yeah, we haven’t looked into getting one of those yet. There was a granola bar, but… we had this long shopping trip and we got hungry, so um, yeah. Oh, this is cool! Look at this! It’s an EpiPen for an allergic reaction! Yes, see, I’ll just take it out and show you… oh, hmm. It expired two years ago… well, I guess I should dispose of this.”
I’m not really a science girl.
Unschooling with Uncannily Smart Kids
That being said, I do think I have smart cookies for my descendants. They are able to look people in the eye and hold conversations. That has to count for something.
The Eldest retains absolutely everything she has ever heard about zoology. She can really spank you at animal science trivia.
The Middler… well, did I mention she knows the entire score to Les Miserables? I’d rather go see her on an off-Broadway play than visit her while she is performing brain surgery anyway. That would be icky.
And the pajama clad toddler? Well, despite his insatiable cravings for all things mechanical and video gamey, he is a smart little kick in the pants. At the store the other day he leaned out of the cart and asked the woman passing by,
“Are you my mom?”
Laughing, she declined the proposition.
Slapping his knee and chuckling like some dirty old man, he said, “I was just joking, lady! Wasn’t that funny?”
OK, you’re right. I need to get this boy some education.
Unintentional Unschooling
But my point was, I try not to admit I am an unschooler. It’s bad enough admitting to being a homeschooler. You practically have to apologize for that.
You don’t want to somehow insult the other parent’s choice of education, God forbid. There’s no nice way of saying public school is a lovely option for YOU, but I’d never in five billion years send my own kids to that germ infested, bully run, standardized tested, gun-toting institution.
It’s a tricky dance, two-stepping around THAT conversation.
So now you’re homeschooling. You’re already fighting the stereotype that your kids have never seen a television, wear thrift store rejects, sport homemade bowl cut haircuts, can’t catch a ball to save their lives, read classic literature for fun, have pocket protectors and calculators on their Star Trek shirts, and snort when they laugh at everyone else’s non-existent grasp of physics and theology.
They assault you in the streets with random, odd facts of history. They won’t stop talking to you in the grocery store check-out line and make you nervous. They don’t know how to turn on a computer; either that or they know so much about computers they could single-handedly take over Dell.
They earn their own money from birth, helping out with their family’s business or starting one of their own, and yet never spend their money. They have lots of brothers and sisters and they all own guns and live in the boonies, leaving everyone to wonder if they are starting their own militia and we will see them on the five o’clock news someday soon.
Those are just the regular homeschoolers.
Unschoolers make homeschoolers look normal.
Unschoolers don’t DO school. They learn by living life.
They find their passions and follow them. They become experts in underwater basket weaving and ancient sock knitting, tapestry weaving and harp playing, ear wax sculptures and the history of pepper.
OK, maybe not the ear wax thing.
If they were at the Science Fair – which they probably wouldn’t be – their table would be spur of the moment, whatever they felt excited about that very morning. They have art class in the garden, math when they’re playing poker with elderly gentlemen in the park, science when they decide to backpack Europe at the age of 14.
They don’t do textbooks. They don’t take tests. They grow up to be the geniuses of our times. The crazily beautiful minds who invent the things we can’t live without, the cures no one else could discover, the theories that stretch our imaginations.
Mothers who let their children go like this … they’re kind of beautiful. It takes spirit. Faith. Imagination.
Although I am not one!
I am too busy writing that schedule we’re not going to ever get to and planning those lessons that we’ll start but never finish.
I have to wrestle one child out of his pajama pants and take a weed whacker to the eldest daughter’s hair.
I have to go to homeschool co-op and remove ourselves from the Science Fair signup.
I have to drink more coffee.
I have to shout at the girls to do some math, for the love of Moses, and then promptly forget to grade it.
But if I were one of those moms – one of those gorgeously-put-together School At Home Moms or one of those Tree Hugging Granola Unschooling Moms…
That would be sweet.
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Carmen says:
I laughed so much reading this! Not only was it hilarious, but I can certainly relate!
May 12, 2020 — 10:42 pm
melyssa m williams says:
I’m so glad!
May 13, 2020 — 10:49 pm
Alexandria says:
This was fantastic! I snorted out loud several times. It was also a great read and so nice to hear how my life is like someone else’s. Especially, as our family takes the leap of faith from schedules, tests and Trader Joe’s (LOL) to the “dark side” of unschooling.
May 13, 2020 — 1:12 pm
melyssa m williams says:
You know what they say about the dark side!
Something about cookies, I think.
May 13, 2020 — 10:49 pm
Janice says:
I love this! It makes me happy to read about someone educating their children the way that works for their family! You keep it up! You’re doing a great job!
May 28, 2020 — 5:29 pm
Melyssa Williams says:
I’ve learned to stay very fluid!
May 28, 2020 — 5:47 pm
Niki says:
Yup this is how we roll!
May 30, 2020 — 2:15 pm
melyssa m williams says:
Solidarity, sistah!
June 1, 2020 — 5:17 pm
Loany says:
A breath of freshness! Keep it up, a day at a time!
March 13, 2022 — 4:46 pm
Tanya Haithcock says:
Thanks so much! I thought I was just crazy and inadequate. I’ll probably keep the crazy. I kinda think it’s fun. But, you helped me not feel inadequate.
We are doing ok, huh?
November 10, 2020 — 7:17 pm
melyssa m williams says:
November 11, 2020 — 5:08 pm
Rachel says:
Same! I’m glad I’m not the only one! 🤣
March 15, 2022 — 4:34 pm
Kristin says:
Oh my goodness. Thank you! This is the route we are *accidentally* going. I’m so glad I’m not alone. My husband told me to stop to admit we are unschooling, stop fighting the truth, take the kids to the u-pick blueberry farm, make a cobbler, and call it a day. LOL
June 30, 2020 — 9:23 pm
Melyssa Williams says:
Your husband sounds like a smart guy!
July 1, 2020 — 8:32 pm
Kristin says:
Oh my goodness. Thank you! This is the route we are *accidentally* going. I’m so glad I’m not alone. My husband told me to stop to admit we are unschooling, stop fighting the truth, take the kids to the u-pick blueberry farm, make a cobbler, and call it a day. LOL
June 30, 2020 — 9:23 pm
Lena says:
Not a homeschool mom. But was intrigued by the idea of unschooling, only to find every article about unschooling my worst nightmares of homeschooling realized… I think unschooling is part of my shadow self lmao. My teen years were very much spent truly living life and not going to school and I’ve hidden that part of myself as I tried to blend into suburban life for (what I tell myself is for) my children’s sake. I was the “bad” kid noone’s parents wanted their kid to be around cause I cheated on homework, was poor and badly dressed and then plain didn’t go to high school and traveled around with random 18 year old boys I met at the beach. I’m aware in retrospect the choices I made certainly didn’t lead me to any ivy league colleges or 6 figure career paths, nor did it give me the ability to stop myself from insane run on sentences in my writing, BUT I did turn out alright, well pretty good honestly, and upon deeper consideration made me realize the only part of my story that takes away from my life choices validity, is my lack of confidence in said choices, in being okay with being different then the rest of the crowd.
Anyway ramble ramble ramble I laughed a lot in your article, especially at the dirty old man part…
Hoping you’ll provide an update with covid19, now that there are so many public school going parents looking into homeschooling.
July 9, 2020 — 3:20 pm
Melyssa Williams says:
‘Insane run-on sentences’ had me laughing. I have a weird addiction to parenthesis. (Like this.) (So much.)
You have a super interesting story!
July 9, 2020 — 3:36 pm
Jen says:
Covid opened my eyes to possibly homeschooling and now I’m suddenly swimming in the deep end as an unschooler… how did i get this far so fast? Well, I’m encouraged to hear about others on this same journey. I feel like my kids were made for this!
Anyone have book recommendations for someone new to party? I’m reading everything before we officially get started in 2 weeks;-)
July 29, 2020 — 4:45 pm
Melyssa Williams says:
You’re about to go on a great adventure! What kinds of books are you looking for? Curriculum stuff, unschooling, advice, how to?
July 29, 2020 — 6:09 pm
Chelsie says:
Check out Unschooling Mom2Mom (Sue Patterson. She has tons of free info. She also has a paid monthly subscription, Creating Confidence Group. Ive found it so awesome and so very helpful. More than I expected.
October 22, 2020 — 4:59 pm
amber says:
hey momma are you still un_shooling? there is an amazing woman with a size called mom 2 mom unschooling she is GREAT for grasping unschooling.
August 21, 2022 — 1:42 pm
Becky says:
Thank you! I seem to be doing the same thing! My son is high functioning autistic. Due to a complete lack of support in our public school system. I was using an online curriculum and the first three weeks, we did nothing but fight and argue. Needless to say, I’ve let him watch a few documetaries of his choosing. He loves everything dinosaur, paranormal, cryptic, and astronomical.
October 24, 2020 — 3:05 am
melyssa m williams says:
I love those interests! He sounds well-rounded and fun. You’re doing a great job, mama!
October 26, 2020 — 6:49 pm
Dennette says:
My grandson is High functioning also. He is 6 and we have been raising him for 5 yrs. Our son is a single dad and military, deploys a lot.I went the curriculum route but I think we r more the unschooling type. He is teaching me to play Mario Odyssey on the Nintendo switch. He builds these odyssey kingdoms from the game out of duplos and Legos. He reads everything, we r doing chapter books, the dictionary, and the Bible. I am learning soooo much! I mean, he is learning so much. Thanks for posting up…hope to hear more.
January 2, 2022 — 5:25 am
Chrissy Webb says:
Absolutely brilliant I love your style ???? from a Mommy who is desperate to unschool her daughter who is currently unschooling her daughter because of COVID and Lockdown and who has realised that school is a joke and doesn’t want that for her precious little girl anymore ?
February 6, 2021 — 8:53 pm
melyssa m williams says:
That is a lot of people’s stories right now! Maybe something good came out of COVID after all.
February 9, 2021 — 8:11 pm
Virginia says:
Love this!!!’ Lol. Hilarious. You are an excellent writer.
March 10, 2021 — 1:23 am
melyssa m williams says:
Awww thank you so much!
March 11, 2021 — 6:39 pm
Jess says:
This is by far the best homeschool blog I’ve ever read!!! Thank you for being honest! This is my everyday!! And I enjoy it so much!! BUT then!! Some random person chimes in and ruins it!! Uugghhh! Why can’t people just mind their own business!!!! They leave me feeling so inadequate! And off I go making a schedule that we’re never going to use and buying curriculum that we’re never going to finish!! Uugghh!! Let’s just skip allll that!!! Let’s do what’s best for OUR kids! Thank you thank you for your post!!!
May 17, 2021 — 4:24 pm
melyssa m williams says:
Aw you’re so sweet!! Never feel inadequate, Jess. Just keep swimming!
May 18, 2021 — 4:12 pm
Rebecca says:
That was the most amazing thing I’ve read in a long time. Thank you. ?
May 29, 2021 — 5:30 am
melyssa m williams says:
Well, how sweet are you???
May 30, 2021 — 10:14 pm
Edwina says:
I absolutely loved this post! You are an amazing writer! Genius!
October 1, 2021 — 12:19 am
Melyssa Williams says:
Thank you for reading!
September 14, 2023 — 10:12 pm
Marle says:
Gosh I enjoyed this! I’m leaning heavily towards the unschooling side of things since my 4th baby girl was born 10 weeks ago. I’ve tried to keep up with ‘school’ where I was already only doing maths and language, but now I’ve just about given up. I can’t juggle it all and school is the one being kicked to the curb for the moment. But then this morning something beautiful happened. My girls(8&6) spotted flying ants emerging from the ground. So over an hour was spend observing them, figuring out when do they get wings, where are their holes and which ones are the babies. Unschooling, yes. But life 100%.
October 5, 2021 — 12:54 pm
Melyssa Williams says:
That’s so cool!
September 14, 2023 — 10:13 pm
Jessica says:
I don’t know which made me feel better your article or all of the comments of people sharing their stories. I was a super organized teacher before I had my daughter and quit my job. When we started school I was running our homeschool like I ran my classroom. Goodness that was awful; stressful and just not fun for either of us. Worked great for 30 kids not for just 1. Here recently I have found us taking lots of detours on our learning path and getting so off schedule. Plus, we just moved to a new state with different homeschool requirements. It makes me feel all kinds of mommy guilt and worried that we won’t be where we should at the end of the year. Thank you, and everyone else who commented, for sharing your experiences. It allowed me to take a deep breath and feel some camaraderie.
October 29, 2021 — 5:37 pm
Melyssa Williams says:
Ugh, that mommy guilt! Hate it when it rears its ugly head.
September 14, 2023 — 10:13 pm
Tara says:
It has become my yearly tradition to spend a absurd amount of hours creating and perfecting the “perfect” daily schedule and plan for the year….and then never look at it for the rest of the year! Hahaha I’ve discovered I really enjoy MAKING the schedules, but abhor following them. Oh well, now I just laugh at myself and carry on.
Thank you so very much for this article!
November 14, 2021 — 11:41 am
Melyssa Williams says:
I very much relate to that!!
September 14, 2023 — 10:14 pm
Wendy says:
I felt like you were describing me. I listen in to their playtime and find a way for that to be educational. As long as my kids are learning and making improvements both educationally and at life skills, I call it a win. Thank you for relating.
January 12, 2022 — 12:00 am
Melyssa Williams says:
September 14, 2023 — 10:14 pm
Em says:
Wait—what? Unschooling? What is this sorcery you speak of?! I’m a single mama to one feral savage and too many critters on a tiny chunk of Ruraltopia (BFE) and currently doing a pre-k computer based program with my kiddo just 15 minutes a day. It is madness—MADNESS, I TELL YOU—just trying to milk the tiniest drop of willingness from him in order to complete the days schoolwork. I find myself wondering which level of hell he’d find actual school with structure and a sitting requirement… That being said, I find myself calculating the fastest route to the nearest fire station I can pass by and send him on a one-way tuck-and-roll trip to each day we struggle with “school”… That is to say, I lackuh de patiencé! So please…open my eyes to this alternative I’m just now hearing about, because I’m raising a lil blue collared country kid already and wondering what to do now that we’re staring down the barrel of kindergarten.
January 24, 2022 — 12:06 am
Melyssa Williams says:
Awww, that sounds awesome and also mildly hilarious! How is it going now?
September 14, 2023 — 10:15 pm
Lourdes Zavala says:
Thank you for sharing. Are you my twin? Lol. I can soooo relate. 😄 You inspire me into continuing on the path we’re on. Unschooling has been the only way my kiddos learn what they’re passionate about. They are AUTISTIC and ADD and I wouldn’t change a single thing about them. Thanks again for your fearless confession and inspiration.
Lourdes 🙏🏼
February 8, 2022 — 4:03 pm
Melyssa Williams says:
Absolutely, and thank YOU!
September 14, 2023 — 10:15 pm
Rachel says:
Absolutely hilarious and so well written. I previously said “I would never homeschool my kids.” I also try constantly to find a schedule that works for our family – redoing it over and over and over again. After a couple of months of pretty severe school refusal by my 5 year-old, I started reading more about homeschooling options and now finding myself ready to take my older daughter out of public school kindergarten and embrace unschooling whole heartedly. This article was the most “real” thing I’ve read in a while and gave me hope that we are going to make the right decision for our littles. So many awesome parents out there. Keep it up y’all!
February 10, 2022 — 3:07 pm
Melyssa Williams says:
Keep it up y’all, indeed!
September 14, 2023 — 10:15 pm
Rachel says:
Yay! There really are kindred spirits out there! All of the women in my homeschool group do so much with their kids, it makes me feel like a total loser who’s failing my kids. But then again, with 8 kids, 3 of whom are on the autism spectrum and 2 are adhd…we can’t exactly compare ourselves to your typical family. Relaxed homeschooling, as I call it in our case, has allowed them to bloom and flourish. They are all brilliant and the oldest (high functioning autistic) just got accepted to college for next fall. So I try to relax and believe we’re on the right path where God means us to be. Thanks for your funny and positive post!
February 22, 2022 — 6:52 pm
Melyssa Williams says:
There are so many paths, and thank God for that, right??
September 14, 2023 — 10:16 pm
Lisa Gylsen says:
Hilarious! And I totally relate! My husband used to say don’t promote the fact that we homeschool because we have nothing to show for it. And do these kids really exist that sit and do schoolwork when asked? Mine rebelled quite early. I truly believe in unschooling except when I worry about it. Anyway, my oldest just turned 18, not interested in university, went for a part-time job coaching gymnastics which she loves in the new city we have just moved to. She got a full-time job with pension contributions and they are sponsoring her coaching qualification. They didn’t even ask to see her academic qualifications which is great because she doesn’t have any but she is a good coach from previous part-time coaching experience. So hold the vision and follow your heart.
January 14, 2023 — 2:10 pm
Melyssa Williams says:
Absolutely! Your daughter is blessed to have you in her life!
September 14, 2023 — 10:16 pm
Amber L. Brown says:
Best. Post. Ever.
After nearly 20 years of homeschooling as a dedicated Charlotte Mason-er, I’m finding myself with teens that are People of Passion being guided by me as a Life Long Leaner who is a single mom of 5 children, two of whom have a terminal disability. On the days, weeks, and months that connect our insane schedule while I work three jobs, I’ve recognized that my kids are occupying themselves with crafts, passion projects, reading, music, and nature exploration. My accidental free fall into unschooling has been a delight to discover, and I pray that the few remaining years left in our homeschool journey will.produce passionate and compassionate humans who have much to contribute to the world.
February 13, 2023 — 12:35 am
Melyssa Williams says:
My goodness, mama bear! Hugs to you!
September 14, 2023 — 10:17 pm